Designing classroom activities


Here you have an example of the main parts a typical lesson plan:

Classroom Activities

Design activities that respond to the characteristics of the diversity of the course.

Take into consideration each one of the following moments that are described:

1) Warm-up & Pre-activities

This moment is characterized to generate an atmosphere or positive climate of learning with the purpose that all the students feel interested and involved in learning.

The teacher challenges and generates the necessity to learn. Also, the teacher activates their previous knowledge; he gives the opportunity to express their ideas, feelings on the topics or contents, he defines the new learning that will be stimulated and he will determine the organization of the space.

2) While-activities 

This moment is characterized to generate the necessary scaffoldings for the achievement of the new learning, this involves proposing: sequences of activities, working modality, didactic resources, everything adjusted it at a specific time.

3)  Post-activities 

This moment is characterized for:
– Stimulation of metacognitive processes,
– Systematizing learnings,
– Formulation of new challenges or tasks to carry out and
– Evaluation of learning achievements.

Select and elaborate the didactic resources that are enough for each class, incorporating different tools of the Information and Comunnications Technology (ICTs) with pedagogical premeditation.

Select and elaborate the instruments of assessment in the framework of the «evaluation for the learning».
Each lesson plan will consider the evaluation of all of the students of the course. This instrument should be applied once the intervention concluded. Also design metacognición instruments.

Theoretical References:
References of the lesson plan.