Blog – Holidays (Writing Task)



You have just started teaching practice at a private school with a fully equipped English language laboratory. 

Your students are between 12 and 13 years old. 

Your guide teacher has asked you to design a blog entry in your Google site that will be used in a task-based lesson.

The topic of the lesson is «Holidays in English speaking countries». 

The teacher wants the students to do some research on the topic and then write an essay about one of the holidays.  

This is the list of holidays the teacher suggested you should use:

St. Patrick’s Day | Easter | Valentine’s Day | Halloween | New Year | Christmas  

For this task you need to create a blog entry which contains:

  • A friendly layout that helps students go through the content easily.
  • Graphic input that can help students activate previous knowledge (pictures and/or video).
  • The purpose for students to perform the writing task.
  • Clear instructions on how to successfully complete the writing task.
  • The different elements the writing task should include.


blog- holidays




Design the writing task and upload it to your Google site. You can create a webpage in Google sites or make a slide in a power point presentation and upload it.